Customers can carry a maximum of 5 (five) litres of alcoholic beverages in their Checked-in Baggage, subject to the conditions outlined below:
1. The alcoholic beverage must be in retail packaging and appropriately packed to prevent damage or leakage.
2. The alcohol content in the beverage should not exceed 70% (seventy percent).
3. If the alcoholic beverage contains 24% (twenty-four percent) or less alcohol by volume, the 5 (five) litre limitation does not apply.
Alcoholic beverages can also be carried in Hand Baggage if purchased from an airport's security hold area, provided they are placed in a transparent, STEB - Security Tamper-Evident Bag with a maximum capacity of 1 (one) litre. The containers must comfortably fit within the bag, which should be sealed.
-->To raise a specific query or concern, please submit your request using the following link and we will contact you: Submit Ticket
For further information, please click here - Conditions of Carriage